Thursday, November 10, 2011

An SIL Biblical Hebrew Keyboard for Linux

I have developed a keymap for Linux using IBus that imitates the SBL Hebrew SIL keyboard. You can see my post “An SIL Biblical Hebrew Keyboard for Linux Operating Systems” over at Berith Road for more information. That post has a link to download the keymap, plus instructions for installing it.

The keymap is located at Its content is as follows:

;; he-kbd.mim -- Hebrew input method with SIL Biblical Hebrew keyboard layout
;; version 5
;; Copyright (C) 2012 Steven Coxhead
;; Contact details are available at <>

;; This file is intended to replace the he-kbd.mim file in the m17n library
;; for those who prefer a keyboard that is similar to the SIL Biblical Hebrew
;; keyboard layout.

;; The copyright of the original file is held by the National Institute
;; of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), and was offered as
;; free software as part of the m17n database under under the terms of the
;; GNU Lesser General Public License.

;; This modified file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.

;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; Go to <>
;; for further details about the GNU Lesser General Public License.

;;; Input method for Hebrew simulating the SIL Biblical Hebrew keyboard.

(input-method he kbd)

"Hebrew input method simulating the SIL Biblical Hebrew keyboard.
It follows the keystrokes of the SIL Biblical Hebrew keyboard for
all numbers and English punctuation marks, all Hebrew consonants,
all common Hebrew vowel points, plus the maqaf, dagesh, meteg,
etnahta, rafe, and sof pasuq. The accent ole is also included as it can
be used as a general marker of syllabic stress in non-accented texts.
Departing from the SIL Biblical Hebrew keyboard, the backslash key
inputs a backslash rather than the paseq. The layout uses CTRL+ALT
instead of ALTGR. This input method works well with the SBL Hebrew
font, but it has been observed that the dagesh needs to be entered
immediately after the consonant when using the Ezra SIL font.
See <>
for a description of the SIL Biblical Hebrew keyboard.")

(title "Alefbet")

("`" "")
("1" ?1)
("2" ?2)
("3" ?3)
("4" ?4)
("5" ?5)
("6" ?6)
("7" ?7)
("8" ?8)
("9" ?9)
("0" ?0)
("-" ?Ö¾)
("=" ?Ö¼)
("q" ?ק)
("w" ?ו)
("e" ?Ö¶)
("r" ?ר)
("t" ?ת)
("y" ?×™)
("u" ?Ö»)
("i" ?Ö´)
("o" ?Ö¹)
("p" ?פ)
("[" "]")
("]" "[")
("\" "\")
("a" ?Ö·)
("s" ?ס)
("d" ?ד)
("f" ?שׂ)
("f=" "שּׂ")
("f+" "שּׂ")
("g" ?×’)
("h" ?×”)
("j" ?שׁ)
("j=" "שּׁ")
("j+" "שּׁ")
("k" ?×›)
("l" ?ל)
(";" ?Ö°)
("'" "'")
("z" ?×–)
("x" ?×—)
("c" ?צ)
("v" ?ט)
("b" ?ב)
("n" ?× )
("m" ?מ)
("," ?,)
("." ?.)
("/" "/")

("~" "")
("!" ?!)
("@" "")
("#" "")
("$" "")
("%" "")
("^" "")
("&" "")
("*" "")
("(" ")")
(")" "(")
("_" "–")
("+" ?Ö¼)
("Q" "")
("W" "")
("E" ?Öµ)
("R" "")
("T" "")
("Y" "")
("U" "")
("I" "")
("O" ?ÖºÖº)
("P" ?×£)
("{" "}")
("}" "{")
("|" "")
("A" ?Ö¸)
("S" ?ש)
("D" "")
("F" "")
("G" "")
("H" "")
("J" "")
("K" ?ך)
("L" "")
("Z" "")
("X" "")
("C" ?×¥)
("V" "")
("B" "")
("N" ?ן)
("M" ?ם)
("<" ?ע) (">" ?א)
("?" "?")

((C-A-`) "")
((C-A-1) "Ö½")
((C-A-2) "")
((C-A-3) "")
((C-A-4) "")
((C-A-5) "")
((C-A-6) "")
((C-A-7) "")
((C-A-8) "")
((C-A-9) "")
((C-A-0) "")
((C-A--) "—")
((C-A-=) "Ö‘")
((C-A-o) "")

((C-A-a) "")
((C-A-g) "")
((C-A-h) "")
((C-A-;) ";")

((C-A-!) "")
((C-A-@) "")
((C-A-#) "")
((C-A-$) "")
((C-A-%) "")
((C-A-^) "")
((C-A-&) "")
((C-A-*) "")
((C-A-_) "Ö¿")
((C-A-+) "")
((C-A-E) "Ö±")
((C-A-O) "Ö³")
((C-A-P) "")
((C-A-{) "")
((C-A-}) "")
((C-A-|) "Ö«")
((C-A-A) "Ö²")
((C-A-G) "")
((C-A-H) "")
((C-A-:) "׃")
((C-A-M) "")
((C-A-<) "") ((C-A->) "")



;; Local Variables:
;; coding: utf-8
;; mode: lisp
;; End:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steven,
    I appreciate the source of the he-kbd.mim file because the other day was down. However, the file contents seem to be rendered in ASCII instead of UTF-8, at least in the web browsers on my machine. (I have Hebrew fonts etc. and no problem with other Hebrew text.)

    I got the properly encoded file now, but wanted to make a note of this so you (and other visitors here) could be aware of it. Thanks!
